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I can't find a good one that's free
Published on April 7, 2005 By PurrBall In WinCustomize Talk
I found a few free ones, but they seem to not do what I need. Does anyone know of a good free one?
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on Apr 07, 2005
I've used ones off Linux live CD's in a pinch. Check out (the list is down toward the bottom). There should even be some on little mini-distros.
on Apr 07, 2005
Thanks Nakor, I'll try it. Do you mean NTFS resize, or one of the linux links, and if so, which one did you use? Wonder why Google missed this..

I guess you'll know if I reply withing a few days with all of my data...

I am actually doing this so I can install Fedora Linux.
on Apr 07, 2005
NTFS resize via the Linux partition managers, yes. Google missed it because of the question. The Google Oracle can be useful, but it really does need the right question.
on Apr 07, 2005
on Apr 08, 2005
does it work in Windows? (My guess is yes)

on Apr 08, 2005
does it work in Windows

My guess is no. You'll probably have to boot from a CD and then use it from the CD. Most Windows partition managers don't really "work in Windows" but some will let you queue up a series of changes to be made that it will execute the next time the system is rebooted. Hope you find what you need!!
on Apr 08, 2005
GIGO = Garbage in, Garbage out.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Apr 08, 2005

By the screens it looks far less confusing than the competition!
on Apr 08, 2005
So when I resize it creates new partition?
on Apr 08, 2005
Here goes. I hope it creates new partition after resize.
on Apr 08, 2005
i type run_qtparted and it says it cant be found.
on Apr 08, 2005
on Apr 08, 2005
Better search the net for an answer
on Apr 09, 2005
Nothing. Does Nakor possibly know how?
on Apr 10, 2005
Not without knowing what you're using. Search google for related things like resize partitions under linux.
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