My blog away from Tumblr
Maybe tabbed browsing, or just security?
Published on February 28, 2005 By PurrBall In Internet

Ooh boy!


Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 28, 2005
And this excites you why?
on Feb 28, 2005
And this excites you why?

Probably because a lot of us still favor IE over firefox.. that would be why.
on Feb 28, 2005
You do know you can add many things to Firefox to make it not so basic?

Once IE7 comes out, I'll most likely download it and it should have more holes fixed in it. Unless it's a complete rebuild then I'm not fully sure about that. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
on Feb 28, 2005
Oh boy! Another browser with security holes and bugs!

I prefer Mozilla Not FireFox because it's too basic.
on Feb 28, 2005
Probably because a lot of us still favor IE over firefox.. that would be why.

on Feb 28, 2005
Before you start the "more secure" and "less holes" thing... you should read this.
on Feb 28, 2005
I'm not holding my breath. IE7 is sure to be nothing more than a stopgap to ensure MS dominance until they get Longhorn ready for primetime.
on Feb 28, 2005
I love my Firefox, but I will definitely try the new IE7 when it comes out. Who knows, it could be better. Forgive me if I have my doubts, though. I really have a hard time believing that MS would have given any thought to udating IE if not for teh success of Firefox. MS had not done anything significant to IE in something like 5 years, and they made it known that all their R&D was going into Longhorn, and that they saw no point in working on the browser.
So, apparently, a little competition is a good thing! Redmond has a great pool of talent at their disposal. Let's hope they use it to come up with something worthwhile. I say all the IE users owe at least some small thanks to Moz/FF though, for lighting a fire under the collective MS butt!
on Feb 28, 2005
MS would have given any thought to udating IE if not for teh success of Firefox

I Completely agree with that.
on Mar 02, 2005
I d/led FF and in a matter of 1 hr deleted it. Just dont like appearance of sites, functionality (like ActiveX capability) and then the Proggy bar is misaligned.
on Mar 02, 2005
Try Mozilla. It works better with web pages than FF does.
on Mar 02, 2005
Tried dat too. I hope IE7 is rebilt, so it looks:

a) Nicer
Only support for XP (all xp icons, etc.)
c) Faster
d) A new engine should be more secure.
on Mar 02, 2005
I wonder if it will be tabbed...and have extentions? Maybe it will use proper CSS rendering...heck...why not just let Microsoft licence the Gecko engine...

I am a Firefox Fan-boy...I still show IE no love.
on Mar 02, 2005
I wonder if it will be tabbed...and have extentions? Maybe it will use proper CSS rendering...heck...why not just let Microsoft licence the Gecko engine...

I am a Firefox Fan-boy...I still show IE no love

on Mar 02, 2005
TABS!!! Must have TABS!!!

and a good way of customizing their use.

oh, and built in RSS and, um, spell check...Yeah, that stuff too.

oooohhh, and a way to allow cookies for a specific web site with a keyboard shortcut...yeah, IE will have that too, I'm sure.

Of course it will also have a scroll wheel image zoom feature. I bet IE 7 is going to be the best browser ever.


It could happen

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