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I can't find a good one that's free
Published on April 7, 2005 By PurrBall In WinCustomize Talk
I found a few free ones, but they seem to not do what I need. Does anyone know of a good free one?
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on Apr 11, 2005
Creating a dual boot with windows and linux isn't hard.

First you have to install Windows, Create a partition big enough for the OS and files.

Second Install Linux in the unallocated area (while installing, you can create a partition just for Linux so you have extra space that isn't partition if you wanted to install another OS or just have Linux use all the free space). Linux will format it to what it needs.

You need to do it in this order so GRUB takes over in the MBR.

If you don't have enough room on your harddrive because windows was not a fresh install. Make sure you have at least half the harddrive with free space. You will want to close all apps, probably defrag the system, then resize the currenty windows partition smaller till you have enough unallocated area for the Linux enviroment.
on Apr 11, 2005
tjesterb sortof beat me to some of it.

I had to leave my computer for a little bit before I could send my message. I wasn't able to finish all that I wanted to type and send it before I left
on Apr 11, 2005
No, 1 partition is on my hard drive, and is using it all. Also, I have a question about this:

Will I lose that data?
No matter how many times I defrag that is still there.
on Apr 11, 2005
I tried the guide, but I can't seem to be able to get my system to boot from the disk, I get a

'Non-system disk or disk error,
please replace disk and try again'

Any suggestions? I IO.sys,, part.exe and chkdsk.exe on disk.

Please help?
on Apr 11, 2005
After getting help on how to get Ranish to boot, should I just hack off 15 gigs from NTFS and then let Fedora do its thing?
on Apr 11, 2005
You won't lose it, the jist of the defrag is try to get everything as close as possible and inline. 15gigs should be fine for Fedora.
on Apr 11, 2005
I still need help on getting Ranish to boot.
on Apr 11, 2005
Hmm, I can't help you there. I never used it.
on Apr 12, 2005
on Apr 12, 2005
I came across this ->

You're able to put it on a floppy and boot it up. Just follow the instructions. Plus read the FAQ too.
on Apr 12, 2005
Can check out this area too ->
on Apr 12, 2005
came across this -> Link

It shows up as blank page.

Can check out this area too -> Link

Been there, done that.
on Apr 13, 2005
Maybe I should just get a secondary hard drive, such as a Maxtor 60 gig?
on Apr 13, 2005
I just can't see how you're having so many problems. I'm almost positive that you can just resize the partition in the Windows Disk Manager.Then install Linux in the unallocated partition. It shouldn't be harder then that.
on Apr 13, 2005
It's much harder when you want to keep data.
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